Tag Archives: Adoption History

Even beloved public libraries say ‘no’ to adoptees

My proposed presentation on the U.S. adoption system would have explained how facilities like Detroit’s former Crittenton General Hospital, shown here in 1965, promoted adoption and the separation of millions of mothers and their children in the decades after World War II

Between July and December 2018, I made five written attempts to offer a free, adult education program to the public at the Multnomah County Library. The library is a major cultural institution in this region that prides itself on promoting all voices and advancing knowledge and reading, particularly the issues highlighted in books shared with the public.

My presentation and reading would have mirrored the one I gave at the Tigard Public Library on Sept. 25, 2018. You can see my proposal here

In the end, the library refused my idea, which would have showcased the little-known research I shared in my newly published memoir on the American adoption experience and on the history of that system in the post-World War II years, along with ways adoptees are denied basic equal rights.

Not only did library event planning staff say, “No,” but they also shared that adult adoptees in the United States weren’t the “marginalized” community that they wanted to focus on with adult programs. Those activities include public events and conversations about books that highlight historic and political issues in American life. 

Don’t Count on “Progressives Allies” to Care About Adoption History or Adoptee Rights

The Multnomah County Library shared this statement with me by email after I asked event planning staff to reconsider my proposal for a free public lecture on the history of the U.S. adoption system. Staff did not change their minds.

As an adoptee, I am not surprised by this outcome.

When it comes to the story of adoptees, articles about adoptee rights, columns on the history of adoption, adoptees seldom find anyone who cares to give them a platform or who really gives a damn what adults adoptees have to say. 

Sadly, the library’s tinny tone reminded me of ways public health officials denied giving me my original birth certificate decades after I had found my birth families. It is hard to ignore that “paternal tone” if you have heard it for decades.

The irony for me is that I used the excellent resources in this library to research my book, including great works on adoptee rights and adoption history, and other works on the larger issue of sociological bias toward illegitimately born people, such as adoptees.

The library also secured many interlibrary loans for me, which was crucial for my work. This facility also has dozens of others books on adoption issues. But that information will stay on the shelves, mostly unknown to this community for now, in part because of the library’s decision.

In my two replies sent to the library asking them to reconsider its decision, sent on Dec. 12 and 13, 2018, I failed to convince the lower level librarian staff that the library decision was not consistent with the library’s stated mission. I wrote: “Among your stated goals are to be a ‘trusted guide for learning,’ a ‘leading advocate for reading,’ and a ‘champion for equity and inclusion.’ My proposal aligned with all three, particularly of a historically marginalized group in U.S. history and to this day.” 

For that email, I copied Vailey Oehlke, library director, and Terrilyn Chun, deputy director. I documented for both senior managers why the library failed, and in a way that showed adoptees that even so-called advocates of reading and knowledge will turn their backs on proposals as simple as a free public lecture.

Neither Oehlke nor Chun replied to my emails.

Why I Care About this Experience with the Library

As an adoptee, I decided long ago I never would apologize for promoting awareness of adoptee rights issues or for my advocacy that tried to educate the public by using facts and research.

That is why I am writing this post on this disappointing experience with the library concerning a human rights issue about millions who are denied basic rights. This interplay with staff showed me even librarians, who may self-identify as progressive, do not see adoptees rights as an issue that deserves a modest platform to discuss ongoing legal inequality in 2018.

I am moving on to find others who care about this issue and the story that still remains hidden in the shadows of shame. 

If you are a Portland area adoptee and care about this issue, you are welcome to contact Oehlke and Chun and encourage them to change the minds of the subordinates who made this decision; find their email addresses here. About the only thing a public official responds to is public shaming through fact-based news reporting and self-concern about their jobs. There is never a wrong time to engage public officials who are responsible for the actions of the public bodies they manage. 

My memoir makes top 20 list of Adoptee Reading

The website Adoptee Reading has chosen my memoir on the American adoption experience to be on its top 20 list for 2018. The site provides recommendations for books “written by adoptees themselves.” The website celebrates the totality of the adoptee voice and experience, noting “we believe adoptees have a unique perspective on life in general.”

I am delighted my work, You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are, is recommended. The authors and works picked showcase a wide spectrum of adoptee experiences in the United States.

The list features a diverse collection of works and authors, including Korean-American adoptee authors Nicole Chung, J.S. Lee, and Julyanne Lee, as well as books on the language of adoption, by Karen Pickell, and on famous adopted persons, by Alice Stephens. My narrative nonfiction work mixes my life story and journey to justice and a critical look at the adoption system as a public health, political, and sociological and historic issue tied to the harmful treatment of illegitimately born persons.

Rudy Owens’ memoir on the American adoption experience

Adoptees number more than 5 million Americans, and they provide a rich diversity of voices that is frequently drowned out and ignored in the larger national discussions of the U.S. adoption system. The continued publication of poems, novels, historical accounts, and nonfiction works like mine, which combines memoir and a critical and detailed study of that system, are slowly helping to change how the country, the media, and the public think about this incredibly diverse group and their collective experience.

The one unifying theme that binds U.S. adoptees is having been raised by people who were not their biological parents. U.S. adoptees may be born overseas, be raised in transracial familial settings, be foster-raised persons, or be persons raised by kin such as a grandparent. Or they may be like me, a person who is the product of one of the least-understood social-engineering experiments in U.S. history, which separated millions of families in the three decades after World War II.

I encourage you to order my book for the holiday season to learn more about the importance of kin relationships in the raising of children, the political landscape that denies most adoptees their legal rights, and the history of a system that encouraged single mothers to relinquish their illegitimately born kids to address societal fears of stigma and illegitimacy

Finding that rare picture, taken at my birthplace

photo of six nurses and six infants, Crittenton General Hospital

A photo taken at Crittenton General Hospital in 1965 shows young infants in the care of nurses (photo courtesy of Patricia Ibbotson’s Detroit’s Hospitals, Healers, and Helpers and the Detroit Public Library collection). Most infants born here were placed for adoption.

This week I read a wonderful photo history book on the hospitals, orphanages, and mental health facilities that were built and operated in Detroit and the surrounding area from the 1800s through the late 1900s. The slim tome, called Detroit’s Hospitals, Healers, and Helpers, by Patricia Ibbotson, is a great piece of storytelling. It shows how our society, in one major metropolitan area, cared for the sick, the infirmed, and the needy.

Ibbotson notes, “All of the hospitals, as well as homes for the aged and orphans, evolved from the poorhouse system.” She also notes most were founded by religious orders. Orphanages stand out for me because I am by historic reckoning a child placed in institutional care: in my case, I was given up for adoption and put into foster care for more than five weeks, making me a bastard, orphan, and foster kid all at once.

Patricia Ibbotson’s 2004 photo history book, Detroit’s Hospitals, Healers, and Helpers.

Ibbotson’s book documents nearly a half-dozen orphan facilities, describing the “illegitimately born” and discarded infants as “foundlings,” and their shamed mothers as women who had “fallen by the way.” In the United States, society viewed both groups as outsiders and, like most of Europe, treated them poorly, if not lethally well into the 20th century.

According to Ibbotson’s research, Detroit had more than a half-dozen orphanages for homes for “unfortunate ones”— meaning the discarded infants—before 1900. Detroit’s long history of dealing with foundlings or so-called illegitimate babies resembled approaches used in other major cities, like New York City and its New York Foundling Hospital. The treatment or maltreatment of these infants left at these facilities in big cities helped spur the creation of the U.S. Children’s Bureau and reforms to address well-documented abuses of discarded infants in the early 1900s. That organization played a key reformer role making adoption a safer system in the United States, which personally impacted my life after I was born.

Detroit, a city of fallen women and foundlings

A shot from 1912 of the Detroit Woman’s Hospital and Foundlings Home shows some of the many illegitimately born babies in its care (photo courtesy of Patricia Ibbotson’s Detroit’s Hospitals, Healers, and Helpers and the Wayne State University collection).

Like New York City, Detroit was home to a large hospital dedicated to women and their “foundling” kids called the Detroit Woman’s and Foundling Home, which opened in 1869, created by a religious order to care for these socially scorned outcasts. It later became Hutzel Women’s Hospital.

Detroit also had multiple Florence Crittenton maternity homes and hospitals, which first opened in 1897 and later in grander fashion with opening of the Crittenton General Hospital in 1929, north of downtown. There were five homes and hospital/homes in all. Crittenton General Hospital, with three wings and dormitory facilities that also housed single pregnant mothers, became a future epicenter of adoption promotion in Michigan in the boom adoption years after World War II.

My life story began there, and that story was hidden from me for decades until I untangled the mystery, found my birth records, and put together the pieces of a tale showing how infants like me were part of a national system that separated millions of families in every state and territory. I recount this complex, national story in my newly released memoir, You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are (purchase here).

Crittenton General Hospital of Detroit is shown in a photo, taken shortly after its opening in 1929. I was born and relinquished into adoption here.

I requested Ibbotson’s book through my local library, hoping to find an image of the maternity hospital where I was born and then given up for adoption. That facility, Crittenton General Hospital of Detroit, was one of the nation’s largest maternity hospitals—it had 115 dormitory beds and two wings devoted to maternity care, according to Crittenton records. The Florence Crittenton Association of American and National Florence Crittenton Mission, which ran it and dozens of similar homes and hospitals for single pregnant women, promoted adoption in the three decades after World War II. I describe the significance of the hospital in my memoir and study of the American adoption system and experience called You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are.

A picture and its meaning

The picture included in Ibbotson’s book of Crittenton General Hospital could not have been more meaningful. It is a shot reportedly taken in 1965, the year of my birth, in front of the hospital. It shows six nurses in white outfits, each holding very young infants, all presumably being future adoptees. The cut line described the facility as a place for “’unfortunate women and girls’ and their babies.”

That same shot shown above, taken of Crittenton General Hospital in 1965, shows likely future adoptees in the care of nurses, though not every child born here was relinquished. Note, the cut line information has some inaccuracies from the source (photo courtesy of Patricia Ibbotson’s Detroit’s Hospitals, Healers, and Helpers and the Detroit Public Library collection).

On my computer, I zoomed in on the faces, wondering if I am in the half-dozen infants in the shot. I would have big ears, and I did not see that in two of the faces that are visible. The chances are perhaps one in several hundred I could have been captured in this unknown still, that is with the historical collection at the Detroit Public Library.

Unfortunately the picture and Ibbotson failed, like nearly every official source I have consulted, to even mention the word adoption, despite the hospital’s central role in that institution for the entire state and region.

My efforts to find the number of relinquished babies all failed, which I describe in my book in more detail. However, I peg the number of relinquished number of infants from Crittenton General at well over 20,000, mostly in the decades after the war, til the time of the hospital’s closing in 1974. It was torn down in 1975.

Based on all records I’ve found and my own original birth certificate, the cut line for this picture listed the wrong address for the photo as East Elizabeth Street, which is the address for the former Florence Crittenton Hospital, near downtown Detroit. Crittenton General Hospital was located at 1554 Tuxedo Street. Also the date of the hospital’s closure, according to the Detroit Free Press and other sources I consulted for my book, is 1974. The cut line lists 1976.

For additional information on the history of the National Florence Crittenton Mission, I can recommend a couple of sources: 

Kunzel, Regina. Fallen Women, Problem Girls. Unmarried Mothers and the Professionalization of Social Work, 1890–1945. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1993.

Wilson, Otto, Robert South Barrett, and National Florence Crittenton Mission. Fifty Years Work With Girls, 1883–1933: A Story of the Florence Crittenton Homes. Alexandria: The National Florence Crittenton Mission, 1933.

Memoir index done; launch coming very soon

I could not be more happy with the status of my public health memoir on the American adoption system: You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are.

Screen snapshot of part of my index in my upcoming memoir

The index for my forthcoming memoir will help all readers find research on the scores of topics my book covers to explain this significant American institution. Here is a sample of just some of the topics that will be addressed.

Everything is written, proofed, edited, and now indexed.

The book needs a few final touches behind the scenes as I finalize the product for Amazon and other platforms. It will be available in paperback and several ebook formats.

I’m especially pleased with the great work of my indexer, Cynthia Savage, who created more than 25 pages of searchable index listings that will help all readers understand the complex story of American adoption and the millions of people it has impacted since the mid-20th century.

Scanning the finished index makes it clear just how many diverse topics my book touches: public health, abortion, human rights, discrimination, evolutionary biology, bastardy (the study how bastard-born humans have been treated inhumanely throughout history), mythology, women’s rights, women’s health, religion, politics, U.S. and Michigan history, and much more.

And all of that is on top of my hero’s journey that unfolded over five decades in my quest for my legal rights and my identity taken from me by this complex system. My goals remain reforming this system and ensuring that adoptees have their full legal rights restored.

My next update will include an offer for free books to my first readers, who I encourage to tell their friends about my forthcoming work. I am looking forward in the many months ahead to marketing and promoting this work to a wide audience, particularly to readers who know little about adoption or adoptee rights issues.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter for updates on my book and related adoptee-advocacy news and sign up for my newsletter.

Does bias influence how publications choose to tell stories about adoptees and adoption history?

This historic photo of a Crittenton mission from the late 1950s or 1960s shows how expecting mothers who stayed at Crittenton homes and hospitals were given maternal health instructions. Almost all of those mothers gave up their infants for adoption at the encouragement of doctors, social workers, and staff at Crittenton and other maternity homes in the decades after World War II. (Photo courtesy of the National Crittenton Foundation.)

This week I was informed by a Michigan historical publication that its editorial committee rejected my proposed article on the historical significance of my birthplace, Crittenton General Hospital. “While the committee appreciates the article you submitted, it unfortunately does not meet our magazine’s editorial needs and we will be unable to accept it for publication,” the editor wrote. 

This means that an article I proposed to tell the story of thousands of single Michigan mothers who gave up their children for adoption in the decades after World War II in Detroit will not reach a wider audience in Michigan. For that, I am disappointed. 

I respectfully asked for feedback how I did not meet their needs, and did not get a reply. I do not expect a response, and to date have not received one.

[Author’s update, 9/15/2017, 1:05 p.m.: Hours after publishing this article, I received a reply from the publication I had contacted that its editorial committee thought my article was a “personal opinion piece,” which they do not accept in their publications. That reply arrived only after I had provided the publication a courtesy email to let them know I had published this article.]

No publication is obligated to tell any writer why they are rejected. Rejection is the norm in the world of writing and publishing. It also inspires good writers.

However, this outcome, which I have experienced when reaching out to many different publications to engage them on the history and problems in the U.S. adoption system, likely has other issues beyond my storytelling abilities or even the merits of the stories I am trying to tell.

The outcome falls into a trend of editorial bias by people who likely do not recognize how their decisions about covering the story of the U.S. adoption system and its history are influenced by their own subconscious views. My forthcoming book on the U.S. adoption experience investigates how bias influences individuals’ and society’s views about illegitimately born people (bastards like me), including adoptees. I also have published an essay on that topic on my blog.

Is it Bad Writing/Research, Bias, or a ‘Suspect’ Writer/Researcher?

Source: Pannucci, Christopher J., and Edwin G. Wilkins. “Identifying and Avoiding Bias in Research.” Plastic and reconstructive surgery 126.2 (2010): 619–625. PMC. Web. 15 Sept. 2017.

The larger issue of research bias is well documented in human-subjects research. That field boasts a staggering list of biases that impact the research outcomes, before, during, and after clinical trials. It also is a well-documented issue in communications.

The open-source scientific publication PLoS noted in a 2009 editorial, “A large and growing literature details the many ways by which research and the subsequent published record can be inappropriately influenced, including publication bias, outcome reporting bias, financial and non-financial, competing interests, sponsors’ control of study data and publication, and restrictions on access to data and materials. But it can be difficult for an editor, reading a submitted manuscript, to disentangle these many influences and to understand whether the work ultimately represents valid science.”

When a writer or researcher is rejected, they have almost no chance of persuading a potential publisher to change its views. If you push your case, you also are further discounted as too “attached” or “engaged.”

In the world of investigative journalism, you are even considered dangerous, and your own publications may turn against you if you fail to accept outcomes that can squash controversial stories. This is a common experience to anyone who has mattered in the world of journalism. 

The celebrated investigative journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in 1993 that telling stories that some people do not want to read but should be told is often a thankless, even dangerous task.

Author and investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, courtesy of Wikipedia.

“Reporters write a story once, and then there’s no response and they stop,” says Hersh. “Somehow the object [is] to keep on pushing. The problem is, what do you do when you make yourself a pain in the ass and you become suspect? Because as everybody knows, for some mysterious reasons, if you have a point of view in a newspaper room you are suspect. Or if you’re a true believer you’re dangerous, you’re political. That’s really crazy. Because it seems to me the only good stories that come out of anything come from people who have a passion about right and wrong, and good and bad. It’s a terrible tragedy. It’s very tough.”

I always turn to Hersh’s quote that I jotted down when I first became a journalist, when I need to remember that telling important stories, including ones that challenge orthodoxy and prejudice, will never be an easy road to travel. That is why I wrote my book about the American adoption experience, knowing it would not be an easy story to tell or to sell.

But anything that matters, really and truly matters, requires overcoming such obstacles. That is how you find personal meaning and how you make positive and meaningful change that may take years to achieve.