Tag Archives: Court Orders for Birth Certificates

Revealing more dishonesty after the second court-ordered release of my original birth record by Michigan’s health department

I published this video explaining how I Iearned that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services violated a court order by sending me an adulterated birth record copy in 2016, not the actual original version–an intentional act of deception. Click on image to see the video.

This weekend, I closely compared the July 2016 and November 2024 versions of my original birth certificate sent to me from the state of Michigan, each after protracted and time-consuming court processes that should never have occurred.

The “same records,” which should have been identical, were not. It turns out I was sent an incomplete original birth record in July 2016, and I can document that now with these official documents.


My delays in getting copies of original birth certificate happened only because I was surrendered at birth as an adoptee, denied basic legal and human rights in Michigan and as a citizen of the United States.

I’ve known my birth mother and my birth families since 1989, and my birth mother signed a consent form to release all of my vital records and sent that to what is called the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) in April 1989. The state health department and its vital records staff in 1989 released some records on file, but not my original birth certificate. Their documented practices of hiding my birth identity and birth information—and as I can now prove, again, deceiving me about that—continues to this day

My latest request for my original birth record was fulfilled 80 days after my rush order request for that record in August 2024. The delay and initial denial of my original birth record request had no statutory justification.

On October 4, 2024, MDHHS received a second court order issued on September 19, 2024, on top of the original court order sent in June 2016, and even then MDHHS refused to comply with the court order on October 7, 2024, with a denial letter.

(Note: Only one court order is ever needed for a Michigan-born adoptee to order one, two, or 10 birth certificates, as there is no law restricting the number that can be issued once a judge orders the health department and its staff to comply with the law with a single court order, if the court sides with the adoptee compelling the state to surrender the adoptee’s true record of birth.)

The court had to intervene personally, by its staff, to force MDHHS to release my original birth certificate, again. Those two copies finally arrived on November 4, 2024.

I am only providing a photo of part of the header section of my most recently released birth record copies to prevent bad actors from stealing identifying information.

Latest Two Birth Record Copies Had Many More Birth Facts:

This weekend, I paused and compared the two versions of my original birth record, as the last two months were too busy to focus on the records.

To my surprise, or should I say, not surprise, I saw that the most recent two original birth certificates I ordered and that arrived on November 4, 2024, had more data. The 2016 version left off critical information that the state was legally required to release to me almost nine years ago—by order of a state court.

The information was not innocuous, and the omission was not by accident.

The data were the most critical information aside from my birth and birth mother’s names—namely my health status and birth mother’s health status at the time I arrived in the world from my mother’s womb.

My 2016 original birth record copy, which I now confirmed is an incomplete record (in violation of a court order), did not contain these critical pieces of my birth that are placed on the birth records of all people in Michigan at the time I was born in the mid-1960s:

  • The length of my mother’s pregnancy.
  • My birth weight.
  • Information if my mother was checked for syphilis (this was likely a biased law against women).
  • Information about any complications with my mother’s pregnancy.
  • The types of surgical procedures, if any, during my mother’s delivery.
  • Any birth injury data to the infant.
  • Any congenital-related health issues to the infant.

Former State Registrar Glenn Copeland, who signed the first copy of my original birth record that was not a true and accurate copy, in violation of a court order.

In short, all of the pertinent birth and data about my health and my mom’s health at the time of my birth were intentionally omitted in the birth record copy signed by then-State Registrar Glenn Copeland as a “true and correct representation of birth facts,” and then sent to me. In short, the State Registrar in 2016, along with MDHHS, lied in signing an official vital record sent to me upon order of a Michigan court. And I have legal proof, with official state signatures, that what they sent was not in compliance with the court in 2016.

The second time I received my records, the health workers must have forgotten what they did not include the last time, because they apparently didn’t keep a record of the July 2016 birth certificate record they mailed to me. Otherwise, they would have adulterated two copies just sent to me this time, like they did in July 2016. (I say adulterated, because I can now compare two copies of the same “original” that are attested to by two separate State Registrars.)

(See my video describing MDDHS’s official act violating a Michigan court order.) 

A System Built on Lies and Deception Continues its Worst Ways

I am never surprised by the dishonesty and sheer audacity of public health systems and its officers at the highest level to cheat, lie to, and deceive adoptees when it comes to the most basic document all persons deserve, their original birth certificates. But as my case shows, our records are hidden and then adulterated by the public health staff ordered by a court to comply with state law.

I expect lies and dishonesty at every turn from anyone involved in the U.S. adoption system, based on the weight of carefully researched and published evidence and reporting to date, and my own decades of being lied to and deceived.

Yet, this latest example is still hurtful beyond measure.

The health and public health “professionals” who perpetrate this harm, repeatedly, do this on purpose.

They know what they do, and they do it with impunity. 

Sadly, I have yet to see any reports or coverage of any official accountability for this ongoing malfeasance. Sadly, media, lawmakers, policymakers, or oversight bodies like state auditors (I have contacted that office in Michigan) do not care about the harm, lies, and illegal activities like violating court orders issued in that state.

As for adoptees, we’re on our own, and we continue to have no friends but the mountains.

(Author’s note: I updated this essay on January 11, 2025, with a link and image to my new video explaining the intentional deception by MDHHS when it sent me an incomplete original birth record in July 2016, violating a court order that I receive a true, original, and complete copy of what has always been mine as a basic human right, despite state laws still denying me access to my original identity vital record.)

Update to FAQs for Michigan adoptees seeking court orders for original birth records

I have updated my frequently visited “FAQS for court order requests in Michigan for original birth certificates” webpage.* I created this in 2018 for all Michigan-born adoptees and adoptee rights advocates, lawmakers, policymakers, and the media, explaining the process for securing an original birth certificate for adoptees, especially those born between 1945 and 1980. I hope these resources are helpful and provide information that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) will not share with tens of thousands of adoptees, as part of their concerted efforts to discriminate against this class of thousands of persons who were separated from their birth mothers and kin by this inequitable system.

In addition to updating links to MDHHS’s intentionally unhelpful web resources for adoptees, I  added this:

Will MDHHS ignore court orders to release an adoptee’s original birth certificate? [UPDATED NOV. 15, 2024]: Yes, MDHHS will ignore state law and will ignore court orders, based on my experiences requesting two additional copies of my original birth certificate in mid-August 2024. In my case, MDHHS took 80 days to release two copies of my original birth certificate after getting my order for rush service on Aug. 16, 2024. The process, as it occurred with denials and delays, violated not one but two court orders requiring MDHHS to release my vital record, as required by state law. I had to get a state court to intervene after I received a denial letter. The two birth certificates arrived on Nov. 4, 2024. (Note, I already had a standing court order from 2016 when I first won my legal fight for my vital record.) See my essay, video, and links to four other stories and videos documenting MDHHS’s actions that did not comply with state law and defied a Michigan state court and judge.

*Note, I have never made a penny from providing this resource to the public, outside of the incredibly modest sales I have of my book documenting the history of the U.S. adoption with a public health lens and how my story being separated from my biological family helps explain that system and the legal discrimination rooted in law harming millions of adoptees to this day.

Michigan Vital Records likely violates state adoption laws forcing extra court orders

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has received my request I filed on August 13, 2023, for two additional copies of my original birth record.

To date the Vital Records office that handles these requests has not replied to me after more than three weeks after having cashed my check for the records on August 22, 0224.

However, it appears MDHHS and the Third Circuit Court of Detroit are coordinating my request, even though the court has no need to involved, as it issued me a court order already in June 2016 to force MDHHS to release copies of my original birth record. That court order has no time limit or other conditions for an adoptee to get additional future copies of their original birth certificate, as that statute is written.

Because this is an important policy issue impacting many adoptees in Michigan and other states, I am documenting this publicly.

I published my second video on this topic on August 27, 2024.

By doing this I am showing how Michigan’s public health office, MDHHS, manages vital records requests by adult adoptees, specifically those who have already secured a legal court order forcing the state to release a copy of an adoptee’s original birth certificate without any barrier such as requests for additional court orders for duplicate copies.

The Third Circuit Court in Detroit also has a unique role with adoptee birth record cases in Michigan because it handles adoptees’ request for court orders for the many thousands of adoptees born in Detroit, especially at Crittenton General Hospital.

This was one of the largest maternity hospitals and adoption mills in U.S. history that handled thousands of adoptions between 1933 and 1974, when it closed.

This court played a key role in my effort to get my birth record held improperly for decades, even after I had met my birth kin and my mother had sent in a signed consent form to release my birth certificate in 1989. The court sided with me in late June 2016 to compel MDHSS to unseal my original birth certificate 27 years after I found my birth parents.

I contacted the clerk at the court, after I had mailed in my request for two more copies of my original birth records, as a courtesy matter in case I might encounter delays “bureaucratic snafus” at MDHHS—an agency with a reputation for denying Michigan adoptees any assistance in managing record requests, intentionally. I knew MDHH might not issue additional copies of my birth record.

A clerk at the court told me by phone and through email correspondence that I would have to get another court order to get additional copies of my original vital record, even though this is not required by law. (See my video I published on this on August 15, 2024.)  

Yet, no provision exists in law requiring that.

MDHHS’s decision to not reply to my request for rush order service, I believe, is intentional to prevent legal accountability.

The law is clear, however.

The actions that MDHHS is taking now, through the court, is beyond the scope of state law, and they are denying basic legal rights to Michigan-born adoptees illegally by actions to me and others for what I have heard is now years.

The clerk I am working with is thoughtful, and I think their staff just want me to get my original birth record copies without grief. MDHHS, by forcing me to get another court order, is continuing to establish legal precedent for treatment of all Michigan born adoptees not defined in statute or even public communications. They seek additional power that is not written into law, and it  is a harmful legal precedent for this agency to enforce.

Also, MDHHS knows who I am. They have a file on me, and I know this because I’ve read emails where I have been discussed by their officials.

I published those public records in my book, You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are, and online. They also know I have now been covered multiple times by Michigan Radio discussing the injustice of current adoption laws in Michigan denying thousands of adoptees basic human rights.

Once I get news on my latest court order request I will publish more videos documenting what to date is continued denial of basic legal rights and a violation of state law by the state agency that holds vital records for Michigan adoptees.